The following men are confirmed members of the Brigade but, to date, it has not been able to confirm their service number:

Ace, JackGnrIn block of transfers to 68th DAC – 745688
Photo (CDL 21/5/15) – Jack Ace, 2nd Welsh Glamorgan Battery, son of Mrs Ace, 59 Fleet Street, Swansea
Ackroyd, Wm Walter13709, Som LI – Service Record
Prev Service RFA (T) – Term of Engagement
From Morriston
Allen, ARoll of honour (CDL – 23/10/14)
AlltheridgeGnrFormation recruit. Article (Cambrian – 9/10/08)
Anstey, CharlesFormation/Pre-war.
4yrs pre-war, Termination of Period of Engagement
Re-enlisted 20/10/14, 1878, Pte, 2/3rd Welsh FA, RAMC
15/1/16 – Transferred 357289. Pte, 10th Liverpool (Scottish)
Wife – Gwenllian Anstey, 61 Chemical Rd, Morriston
Ball, F WCplFormation/Pre-war.
Annual Ball Committee (Cambrian – 4/2/10)
Banfield, CGnr1915 recruit.
Rugby player (CDL-5/4/15), Runner (CDL – 25/3/15).
BellSgtWitness at trial of 1119, J Wilson – 22/12/15
Bendall, W DGnrFormation/Pre-war.
Annual Ball Committee (Cambrian – 4/2/10)
Bendle, JosephDvrMorriston ROH (CDL – 31/12/15)
Bevan, RichardBdrFormation
Military Funeral. Impressive Ceremony at Danygraig Cemetery. Funeral of late Bombadier R Bevan
14yrs service. Richard Bevan. bn Q2, 1871
(Herald of Wales, 28/8/1909)
Bowen, W EFined for Neglecting Drill and Camp
1st Glamorgan Battery. (SWWP – 20/9/1910)
Britten, PhillipIncorrectly reported dead Jan 1916.
Formerly of County Police Force at Carmarthen. PC [Phillips] who was a member of the Welsh Howitzer Brigade…
(Carm Wkly Rep – 28/1/16)
Brown, NelsonGnrIn block of transfers to 53rd DAC – 340 & 745149
Browning, GGnrFormation Recruit.
1908 Summer Camp Orders (CDL – 20/7/08) – 3 Bty, Swansea
Annual Dinner of Morriston Ammunition Column
(Herald of Wales – 19/3/1910)
Buckland, Alexander AugustusCplRoll of honour (CDL – 23/10/14)
Witness at trial of 1254, Forrester, 2nd Line, St Neots, 31/12/15
Buckland, Albert Jonesxx, of Maes-y-Nryn Morriston, submitted this picture. It shows members of the 1st Welsh Howitzer Brigade camping at Portskewett, near Chepstow, in August 1910. His step-grandfather, Albert Jones Buckland is in the [photo]
(SWEP – 30/8/1996)
MORRISTON DECORATOR. Mr Albert J Buckland, Martin-street, Morriston was buried at Moriston yesterday…. He was a member of Hanney’s famous band..
(SWEP – 20/4/1934)
Burling, R GGnr1915 Recruit. Runner (CDL – 25/3/15).
Poss R.G. Burton 1156
Cannell, Joseph WaltonPension record – 3/1st Welsh How Bde
D of Disc – 20/9/16, No: 162440
Abs Voter, Erdington, nr Birmingham 1918
‘Cannell, Jos Walton, 162440, A/Bdr, 1 Sec, 64th DAC’
Chamberlain, JSgtRoll of honour (CDL – 23/10/14). Poss #8
Chanter, BFootball Player (CDL – 25/11/14), Football team pic &
Swansea Municipal School ROH (1915)
Poss Herbert Chanter, 30 Norfolk St
Chislett, IFormation
Air-Gun Shooting, St Georges v 1st Welsh (Howitzer) Brigade
(Herald of Wales – 14/11/08)
Clatworthy, Fred JohnGnrIn block of transfers to 53rd DAC – 461 & 745209
Cannot identify who he was, several options
Clement, WEmployee of W Edwards, Swansea Draper, joined Howitzers (HWMR – 17/10/14)
Enl Oct 14, poss 1037-1039
Cooke, WilliamTransferred to Special Reserve RFA 24/11/08, no 3538 (Anc)
From Neath, Parents Thomas & Elizabeth, 4 Hopkins Place
Conybear, Edward ArthurDvrIn transfers from 2nd Line to 4A Res Bde 7/9/16 – 168323
KIA 9/11/17, 71/36 Bde, Killed on Arras St Julien Rd
Bn & Enl Swansea
Swansea Mun Sec School (SWWP – 18/10/19)
Cory, WRoll of Honour (CDL – 12/9/14)
Duffryn Steel & Tinplate Works
Cox, William John Death of Swansea Ex-Constable
During the war he served with the 1st Welsh Howitzer Brigade, RFA, joining in June 1915. He rejoined the police service in June 1918.

(Herald of Wales, 28/11/31)
Crabbe, Thomas Henry1915 Recruit.
In block of transfers to 53rd DAC – 332 & 745143
Enl 7/4/15, Disch 7/2/19 (SWB)
Likely somewhere 1282-1293
Bn 1895. From Sketty.
Cratchley, CorneliusBSMFormation.
1908 Summer Camp Orders (CDL – 20/7/08) – 3 Bty, Swansea
Eulogy (CDL – 9/10/08)
1st Glam Bty Dinner (CDL – 25/2/14)
bn 1867, Swansea
Cutter, GeorgeDvrIn transfers to 68th DAC – 745708
Later 290523 (so 1915 recruit), however 290 out of block
Bn 1876. Lived Swansea
Dangerfield, Percy ReevesLt1914 Recruit.
Roll of honour (CDL – 23/10/14), 1914 recruit photo (CDL – 9/12/14), Commission applications, London Gazette, MID (SWWP – 5/1/18)
SR with MOD – AOP000022058
Davey G AGnrFormation Recruit.
1908 Summer Camp Orders (CDL – 20/7/08) – 3 Bty, Swansea
Davies, C

Air-Gun Shooting, St Georges v 1st Welsh (Howitzer) Brigade
(Herald of Wales – 14/11/08)
Davies, Daniel HartonSgtIn block of transfers to 2/4th SM (How) Bde – 1335 & 840922
Wedding Cert (Dec 1915), Gunner RFA, 1st Welsh Howitzer B
From Cardigan
Davies, D JTrooperAld Davies Sch, Neath – Roll of Honour
(HWMR – 17/6/16)
Davies, FDvrPoss 1915 Recruit.
Rugby player (CDL – 22/3/15)
Davies, Richard GrahamFUNERAL of Late Comrade R G Davies, Master Tailor, 1st Welsh R.F.A (CDL – 29/6/18)
Richard Graham Davies, bn c1856
Diehl, AlfredCplSwansea Police ROH (SWEP, 21/2/17)
(50) A Diehl (Cpl) RFA (Howitzers)
Donoghue, JamesDvr1915 recruit
In block of transfers to 2/4th SM (How) Bde – 840935
Wounded 1918, NOK-Swansea
Easterbrook, GeorgeCpl/SgtFormation Recruit.
Enl 1/4/08, Disch 1/4/14.
Ball Committee (08, 09 & 13), summer camp (CDL – 19/8/10).
Air Rifle Match
(South Wales Weekly Argus – 20/8/1910)
Served as 24401, Dvr, RFA during War
Edwards, Joe, PtePortrait (CNMR – 18/8/16)
Edwards, JBQMSFormation Recruit.
1908 Summer Camp Orders (CDL – 20/7/08) – 3 Bty, Swansea
Ball committee (4/2/10), Annual dinner (multiple dates)
Retirement after 28yrs service (19/10/10)
EtheridgeGnrFormation Recruit.
Swansea Gunners Good-Bye. songs were rendered by … Gunners …Etheridge
(SWEP 2/10/08)
Evans, EliasDvrBoxing match at Summer Camp 1911 (SWDP-14/8/11)
2nd Battery (Briton Ferry)
Evans, WillieGnr1914/15 Recruit.
Son of Mr & Mrs J Evans, Pstrad House,
Pencader (Carm Journ – 1/10/15)
Poss 1032 or more likely 725455
Fearn, Arthur Wm1914 Recruit.
In block of transfers to 53rd DAC – 745259
Enl 6/8/14, Disch 11/8/19. (SWB)
Likely No 868, 880 or 882
Transferred to regulars post-war, 293448 then10130109
Bn 25/3/1894, London. Moved to Neath by 1911
Fender, DavidGnrFormation Recruit.
1908 Summer Camp Orders (CDL – 20/7/08) – 3 Bty, Swansea
Transferred to RFA-SR – 15/8/08
Gammon, Albert HenryGnrFormation Recruit.
1908 Summer Camp Orders (CDL – 20/7/08) – 3 Bty, Swansea
Railway Accident (Nth Wales Express 31/7/08) – 4th Welsh Howitzer Battery. 72 Argyl St
Gibbs, Thomas John RessBSMFormation Recruit.
1908 Summer Camp Orders (CDL – 20/7/08) – 3 Bty, Swansea
Eulogy (Cambrian – 9/10/08)
Gordon, TGnrBedford Water Polo (CDL – 28/6/15)
Griffiths, David FrancisFormation Recruit.
Appointed “State Trumpeter” to his Majesty
He was for many years a member of the 1st Glamorgan and 1st Welsh Howitzer Band
Son of Sgt Tmpr John Griffiths (CDL – 27/5/16)
Griffiths, D HFined for Neglecting Drill and Camp
1st Glamorgan Battery. (SWWP – 20/9/1910)

Many Ystalyfera soldiers have been home on furlough this week. Among them were Pte DH Griffiths, of Commercial-street, who is with the 1st Welsh Howitzer Brigade at Reigate. Surrey. (Llais Llafur – 9/10/15)
Griffiths, Evan OswaldGnr1915 Recruit.
In block of transfers to 2/4th SM (How) Bde – 1343 & 840929
Morriston ROH (CDL – 31/12/15).
Griffiths, HopkinThe youngest son, Hopkin, was also a member of the 1st Welsh Howitzer Band
Son of Sgt Tmpr John Griffiths (CDL 27/5/16)
Griffiths, JohnSgt TrptrFormation recruit.
Church parade (CDL – 19/6/08), Harris leaving (Cambrian – 31/10/08)
135 Clyndu St, Morriston. (SWWP – 3/6/16)
‘… was a sergeant-trumpeter with the 1st Glamorgan Artillery for 26 years and with the 1st Welsh Howitzers for seven years, a total of 33 years‘ (CDL – 27/5/16)
Grove, WillieS/SGower Church Magazine (Port Eynon)
Guppy, Cyril JohnGnrIn block of transfers to 53rd DAC – 453 & 745205
Bn 1897, Frome, Soms. 1911 Swansea
HaccheDvrInteresting game at Northampton
Right Section v Left Section
SWEP – 6/10/14
Hackford, George ReesDvrIn block of transfers to 53rd DAC – 449 & 745202
Disch 3/6/19. (PENS)
Bn 1897. From Morriston. Presented silver cigarette case by Morritson Libanus IOGT (CDL – 21/3/18)
Haines, CyrilIn block of transfers to 53rd DAC – 450 & 745203
The three soldier sons of Mr and Mrs J Haines, Qu-Appel, Sketty… Pte Cyril Haines, who joined the 3rd/1st Welsh RFA last May at Swansea, and is now at Leyton, about to leave with the first line.
(SWEP – 19/11/15)
Hanney, Cyril CharlesRoll of honour (CDL – 23/10/14)
18821, APC & RFA with flat feet (pens records), bn 1893, address 1 Ewart Street, Swansea.
Hanney, SamMorriston Bandsman’s Death.
The death occurred on Saturday, after a brief illness, of Mr Sam Hanney, of Neath Road, Morriston…
On his fathers death in 1908 {he} became the bandmaster of the band which was then attached to the 1st Welsh Howitzer Brigade, RFA…. Mr Hanney served for a period during the last war.

(SWEP – 16/6/42)
HardingFormation recruit
Songs for Lewis (Cambrian – 9/10/08)
Harding, BenInteresting game at Northampton
Right Section v Left Section
SWEP – 6/10/14
Harries, SFined for Neglecting Drill and Camp
From Sketty, 1st Glamorgan Battery. (SWWP – 20/9/1910)
Harris, Rees HowellGnrIn block of transfers to 2/4th SM (How) Bde – 840925
DOW 27/9/17, D/307 Bde
Bn 1890 Morriston & Enl Swansea
Harvey, A FSgtInteresting game at Northampton
Right Section v Left Section
SWEP – 6/10/14
Headdon, LlewPteHeaddon wedding (HWMR – 8/4/16)
‘Pte Llew Headdon of the Howitzer Brigade’
Likely Lewis Llewllyn Headdon bn c1892, marr 1919
However, other reports of same wedding reference Dvr Llewellyn Headdon of the ASC, so not certain
Hinwood, John Wm Jas (Jack)Gnr1915 Recruit.
In transfers from 2nd Line to 4A Res Bde 7/9/16 – 168238
Enl 1/6/15, Disch 6/5/19. (SWB)
Likely No 1383, 1386 or 1387
Bn 1894, from Swansea
Hooper, LFootball Player (CDL – 25/11/14)
Hopkins, DewiGnrYstalyfera County School Roll of Honour (CDL – 19/1/15), Leaving for Northants (BRE – 6/5/15),
Ystalyfera Cricketers in Khaki (HoW – 15/1/16)
Roll of Honour (HWMR – 12/2/16)
Poss 745106 (but outside usual blocks of transfers to 53rd DAC)
Hoskins TptrFormation recruit.
Collapses at 08 summer camp (EE – 8/8/08)
Hugglestone, DGnrFormation recruit.
1908 Summer Camp Orders (CDL – 20/7/08) – 3 Bty, Swansea
Songs for Lewis (Cambrian – 9/10/08)
Humphreys, ThomasFormation recruit.
bn Pontypridd, lived Morriston, wife Florence Howard
Enlisted RFA SR 25/9/08 as 3901 aged 17y11m
Forms (on Anc) show prev serv 4th Welsh Howitzer Brigade
Mons Star (2nd Div AC), Term pd of Eng 8/10/15
HutchinsonGnrSomewhere in Norfolk – conjurer (SWWP – 12/5/17)
Hyett, Howard Leslie, Gnr/LtFormation/Pre-war recruit.
Commissioned 1915 (CDL – 19/8/15), multiple ROH
SR with MOD – AOP000418212
Irvine, JSt Andrews War Memorial, Swansea
Isaac, John GeorgeBdr
Witness at trial of 1119, J Wilson – 22/12/15
Bedford Eistedford (2/1st Howtzrs) – (SWWP – 3/6/16)
Bn ’91, 1911-30 Catherine St, Morriston
Member of Brigade Band (in annotated photo))
Poss one of the ‘Bros Isaacs’ who ‘gave several solos and duet on cornet and trombone’ 2/1st Welsh (CDL – 29/9/15)
Isaac, WillieFormation/Pre-war recruit.
Fined for Neglecting Drill and Camp
1st Glamorgan Battery. (SWWP – 20/9/1910)
One of the ‘Bros Isaacs’ who ‘gave several solos and duet on cornet and trombone’ 2/1st Welsh (CDL – 29/9/15)
Veteran Morriston Musicians Death.
By the death of Mr Willie Isaac, at Clyndu St, Morrisotn.. Swansea has lost a very well known and accomplished trombone player… Mr Isaac,, was a member of the well-known Hanney;s band during the whole of its existence… He served abroad during the was in the Welsh Howitzer Brigade.

(SWEP, 3/6/1938)
Isaacs, FPostcard portrait. No number.
Jackett, Owen John WesleyGnrFormation Recruit.
1908 Summer Camp Orders (CDL – 20/7/08) – 3 Bty, Swansea
Railway Accident (Nth Wales Express 31/7/08) – 4th Welsh Howitzer Battery.
Jenkins, Francis AubreyDvr/Sig1914 Recruit.
In block of transfers to 53rd DAC – 447 & 745201
1914 Group photo (CDL – 9/12/14), Roll of Honour (10/10/14), Sister wedding (19/8/15). KIA
Jenkins, JosephThe death occurred of Mrs W Jenkins, Pentrepoeth Farm, Morriston… She leaves… two sons – one of the latter, Joseph, being with the 1st Welsh Howitzer Brigade RFA.
(CDL – 3/5/1915)
Jerram, Stanley CliffordDvr1915 Recruit.
In block of transfers to 53rd DAC – 333 & 745144
France 25/11/1915
Only 1 SC Jerram in Wales. Bn 30/4/1893, Swansea.
John, AlbertPteMun Sec Sch Roll of Honour (11/3/15)
John, D WGnrFormation Recruit.
1908 Summer Camp Orders (CDL – 20/7/08) – Morriston Detachment
John, HaydnPteMun Sec Sch Roll of Honour (11/3/15).
Poss 745661
John, W WFined for Neglecting Drill and Camp
1st Glamorgan Battery. (SWWP – 20/9/1910)
Jones (multiple)
Jones, Charles Clifford Dvr1915 Recruit.
In block of transfers to 53rd DAC – 462 & 745210
Disch 4/2/19. (PENS). Also 348699 RGA
Bn 1896. From Swansea
Jones, David JosephGnr1915 Recruit.
In block of transfers to 2/4th SM (How) Bde – 1341 & 840927
Enl 10/6/15, Disch 25/5/18 GSW L Thigh. SWB.
Pens Add: Water St, Neath & Garnant, Carm
Jones, F GFined for Neglecting Drill and Camp
1st Glamorgan Battery. (SWWP – 20/9/1910)
Jones, W AlfordGnrYstalyfera County School Roll of Honour (CDL – 19/1/15)
Jones, W GGnrFormation Recruit.
1908 Summer Camp Orders (CDL – 20/7/08) – 3 Bty, Swansea
Jones, William JamesGnr1915 Recruit.
In transfers from 2nd Line to 4A Res Bde 7/9/16 – 168244
Enl 11/1/15, Disch 15/11/17 (SWB)
Bn 1890, from Swansea
Jowett, William Frederick (Fred)In block of transfers to 68th DAC – 745657
TFEM Aug ’19, therefore Pre-War
Roll of Honour – Welsh Amm Column (CDL – 19/2/15)
Former Swansea 3/4, bn Swansea 1879
Kift, John SolomanGnrIn block of transfers to 53rd DAC – 337 & 745147
Brother of Philip Llewellyn Kift No.725450
Lewis, David Arthur1915 Recruit
Enl 30/3/15. Deserted Apr 15 (SWWP – 24/4/15)
Likely 1279 (based on serv no)
Lewis, Jack1915 Recruit
Enl 6/3/15. Disch 29/1/19. SWB
Friends join together, w Idris Evans (CDL – 16/4/15).
Transferred to regulars – 168253
France w 36th Ulster Div
Lewis, William EvanSgtFormation/Pre-war.
A second presentation was also made to Sergt WE Lewis who has seen 30yrs service. Sergt Lewis said he felt his compulsory retirement very keenly. (SWEP – 2/10/08)
Annual Ball Committee (Cambrian – 4/2/10)
Annual Dinner of Morriston Ammunition Column
(Herald of Wales – 19/3/1910)
Leyshon, TedSwansea Roll of Honour – Llansamlet Colliery (CDL – 23/10/14)
Poss Edward Preece Leyshon, bn ’89, Swansea.
Coal Miner later 49262, RAMC
LloydGnrAir Rifle Match
(South Wales Weekly Argus – 20/8/1910)
Lloyd, J ERoll of Honour (CDL – 23/10/14)
Powlesland & Mason, Docks Dept
Lott, Albert HughesGnrIn transfers to 68th DAC – 745750
Enl 28/1/15, Likely No 1178-1184
Disch 5/6/19. 15 Bde (SWB)
Bn 1887, Swansea. From Treboeth, Swansea
Mace, SFtr S/SIn Nov 1915 photo of Artificers at Bedford
Martin, Richard Aubrey1915 Recruit (Jan 15)
Roll of Honour (CDL – 19/1/15)
Joined w/e – 16/1/15
Matthews, DInteresting game at Northampton
Right Section v Left Section
SWEP – 6/10/14
Mathews, Edmund JohnGnrIn transfers from 2nd Line to 4A Res Bde 7/9/16 – 168279
Bn Blackmill, Enl Swansea
Died 31/1/1918, Leith War Hosp
Matthews, J AFined for Neglecting Drill and Camp
1st Glamorgan Battery. (SWWP – 20/9/1910)
Maunder, Thos GeoGnrIn block of transfers to 53rd DAC – 335 & 745146
Swansea Boy in Welsh DAC (CDL-12/10/15)
Meredith, TomPtePte Tom Meredith is with the 3rd Welsh Howitzers
Father in merchant navy, brother (Willie), 2 Town Hill Cottages, Swansea
(SWEP – 28/8/18)
Mills, Joseph Henry (Joe)Ftr/GnrPre-War Recruit
In block of Transfers to 68th DAC – 745545
Swansea Municipal School ROH (CDL – 11/3/15)
Enl 27/5/14, Dis 30/6/19. (SWB)
From Manselton
Mitchell, FGnrPre-war Recruit. (TFEM 5/5/09)
Morgan, DDvr1915 Recruit.
Paper chase (CDL – 25/3/15)
Morris, David EdlynGnr/Lt1914 recruit.
1914 Group photo (CDL – 9/12/14), Football team pic,
Commission application 2/15, Morriston ROH (CDL – 31/12/15), Injured as Lt, RFA (CDL – 5/7/16).
MIC – BWM/Vic/SWB Address Bryntawe Hall, Clydach-on-Tawe
SR with MOD – AOP000042169
Morris, HarryPteMun Sec Sch Roll of Honour (11/3/15)
Morse, William Edward (Eddy) In transfers from 2nd Line to 4A Res Bde 7/9/16 – 168280
KIA 3/12/17, a/231 Bde, Cambrai
Bn & Enl Swansea
Sketty Chorister Killed – Eddy Morse (CDL – 31/12/17)
Morton, Gordon LlewellynBdr1914 recruit.
1914 Group photo (CDL – 9/12/14).
Poss Gordon Llewellyn Morton – bn 1891, married Swansea 1917, Occ- Bombadier, Add-Langley Park
Nicholas, Gilbert ArthurDvrJoined: 1st Herefords 16/5/14, Pte, No.1426. (Blacksmith)
Disch: Med unfit: Northampton 6/10/14.
Roll of Honour – Leominster (Kingston Times – 21/8/15)
2/1st Welsh Hows, Married Reigate Autumn 1915.
Transferred to regulars – 168270, later 726064
Owen, D1915 recruit. Rugby (CDL – 5/4/15)
Owen, WmCouncillor Wm Owen, formerly of the 1st Howitzers
(HWMR – 8/4/1916)
Parker, J Roll of Honour (CDL – 12/9/14)
Duffryn Steel & Tinplate Works
Phillips, EdgarGnrNo 156894. In block of men transferred to Regular RFA
Enl 14/10/14, Died 14/10/18, Gassed at Cambrai
From Lower Cwmtwrch, nr Neath
Phillips, G B CCommission application – 10/15, 13 Clarence Terrace
Poss George Bevan Crichton Phillips – bn 2/3/1895
Piper, IRoll of Honour (CDL – 23/10/14).
Poss Ivor Piper, Gelly St
Morriston Smoker
(Herald of Wales – 6/11/09)
Powell, J HTransfer from Royal Marines (Brec Rad Exp – 30/9/15)
Homebush, Ithon Rd, Llandrindod Wells
Price, EFormation/Pre-war recruit.
Accidental death (Card Times – 16/7/10)
2nd Battery, fr Lowther Street, Briton Ferry
Probert, GGnrMorriston ROH (CDL – 31/12/15) – 3/1st
Poss 84 & 740052
Probert, WRoll of Honour (CDL – 23/10/14)
Prosser, S CRoll of Honour (CDL – 23/10/14)
GWR. Swansea High-street Good Dept
Pugh, D JS/SDied (CNMR – 14/4/16)
Llanbadarn Hero. He joined the forces last May and in December volunteered for the front with the Howitzer Brigade as a shoeing smith.
Serv No W/4981, died 4/4/1916
Read/Reid, JamesSigTWM so Formation/Pre-war recruit.
James Read, a cutter, formerly employed at Messrs Wards yard, and now a lance-corporal in the Royal Field Artillery, stationed at Cambridge (Herald of Wales, 22/5/15)
In transfers to 68th DAC – 745503
Bn c1891, Preston, Lancs
From Giants Grave, Briton Ferry
Rees, David DickensDvrIn transfers from 2nd Line to 4A Res Bde 7/9/16 – 168181
KIA 3/6/18, D/187 Bde, Poperinghe, Belgium
Bn 1896, Swansea & Enl Swansea
Rees, E TRoll of Honour (CDL – 9/10/14)
Rees, J H1914 recruit
1914 Group photo (CDL – 9/12/14)
Rees, SidPte Sid Rees, Royal Irish Regiment of 67 Martin-street, Morriston, is suffering from malaria fever, and is now in a hospital in London. Pte Rees, who is 30 years of age, was doe many years a member of the 1st Welsh Howitzer Band.
Pte S Rees, 957 (or 951), 5th and 7th RIR
(CDL – 16/5/18)
Rees, William RichardGnr1915 recruit
In block of transfers to 2/4th SM (How) Bde – 1342 & 840928
Morriston ROH (CDL – 31/12/15)
Reid, JamesDvr/SigIn transfers to 68th DAC – 745503
TWM (so pre-war territorial)
Bn 1891, Preston. Lived Giants Grave, Briton Ferry
Riley, G AMemorial Baptist Church War Memorial, Swansea
Robinson, A J1914 recruit
1914 Group photo (CDL – 9/12/14)
Poss Alexander Joseph (officer record at NA)
Rowe, Harold CharlesDvr/Lt1914 recruit
1914 Group photo (CDL – 9/12/14), Commissioned 1916.
KIA 19/7/17, See page
Savage, Frederick HaroldServed 4 years pre-war. Disch med unfit.
Joined 3rd Welsh Ambulance, RAMC 7/6/15, 2201 & 368304
Died of Wounds, EEF 11/4/18
Sawyer, Cecil FredBQMSDaily Post ROH – Pte, Commercial Department (SWEP-2/9/15)
Later 745666, BQMS (68th DAC)
BWM & Vic
Seline, Nathan JacobBdr/2/LtPre-war recruit.
Letter from Argentina (CDL – 31/8/14)
Commissioned 1st Monmouthshires, Aug 15
Wounded July 16
Shepherd, J1914 recruit
1914 Group photo (CDL – 9/12/14)
Shill, Ernest RRoll of Honour (CDL – 23/10/14)
GWR Cartage Dept, Swansea High Street
Shill, SRoll of Honour (CDL – 5/10/14)
Powlesland and Mason – Docks Department
Smale, Richard HenryGnrPre-War/1914 recruit
1914 Group photo (CDL – 9/12/14), Football team photo
Richard Henry Smale, 156877, Disch 22/10/19, Malaria
Bn 24/7/1891, Swansea. 1911 – Richardson St
Strawbridge, W C1915 Recruit
In list of Old Telegraph Messenger Boys serving (CDL 6/3/15)
Prev service as 7826, KSLI. Enl 16/11/15, disch 19/2/15 (Heart Murmur)
Swindells, John Charles JoesphThe wedding took place.. at Llangyfelach Church of Mr J Swindell, Morriston, late band corporal 19th Hussars and a member if the 1st Welsh Howitzer Band, and Julia Hanney, daughter of the late Frank Hanney.
Bn bet 1875 & 1877
(South Wales Weekly Post – 12/4/10)
Thomas, David GeorgeGnrMemorial Baptist Church War Memorial, Swansea
Witness at trial of 1119, J Wilson – 22/12/15
Thomas, Harold LlewellynSoldier, Sailor and Life Save. Death of Swansea Official
He completed five years in the old 1st Welsh Howitzer Brigade, before going to sea.
In the last war, he was a chief engineroom artificer, and in HMS Morris was at the Battle of Dogger Bank

(SWEP 6/11/1939)
Thomas, H TRoll of Honour (CDL – 23/10/14)
Thomas, Ifor DavidFootballer (CDL – 25/11/14) & Team photo.
Ifor David Thomas, QMS 4002, Comm Jan 16
Bn 18/8/1886, Neath Schoolmaster & rugby referee
SR with MOD – AOW000082023
Thomas, J AFined for Neglecting Drill and Camp
1st Glamorgan Battery. (SWWP – 20/9/1910)
Thomas, Robert BellGnrEnl 1/15, MM 118 Bty, Salonika
Bn 1887, Llandilo, Carm
Thomas, W JEnl 12/7/15, Swansea.
In transfers to 68th DAC – 745636
Deserted 31/8/18 from A Bty, 343 Bde, Henham Park.
31yo, Sheet Roller, Bn Llangyfelach, Morriston
Rejoined shortly after.
Thompson, H V1914 recruit.
1914 Group photo (CDL – 9/12/14)
Townsend, Frederick JohnIn transfers from 2nd Line to 4A Res Bde 7/9/16 – 168289
Bn c1880, Lived Swansea
Treharne, David JohnMorriston ROH – Slate Street (CDL – 31/12/15).
Death of wife [Caroline] (CDL – 4/4/19),
Sgt 19th Res Batt/4a Res Bde Woolwich
bn 1876, Penclawdd, Glam
Uren, RaymondDvrMorriston ROH (CDL – 31/12/15)
Walby, JohnGnrOf Penclawdd. On leave from the front.
Veteran of South Africa
(CDL – 3/12/15)
Walters, W JFormation/pre-war recruit
Fined for missing parades (SWWP – 9/11/10)
Annual Dinner of Morriston Ammunition Column
From Neath (2nd Battery)
(Herald of Wales – 19/3/1910)
Westlake, WBdrFormation Recruit.
1908 Summer Camp Orders (CDL – 20/7/08) – 3 Bty, Swansea.
Ball Committee 09
Air Rifle Match
(South Wales Weekly Argus – 20/8/10)
Wilkins, AaronGnr1915 recruit. Paper chase (CDL – 25/3/15)
Wilkinson, FredDvr1915 recruit
In block of transfers to 2/4th SM (How) Bde – 1347 & 840933 KIA 6/8/17, D/307 Bde, Belgium
Bn Penclawdd, Swansea & Enl Swansea
Williams, Daniel LlewellynDvrIn transfers to 68th DAC – 745681
Later 348772, Gnr RGA
From Cwmbwrla, Swansea. Died 16/9/1924
Williams, EdwardFormation/Pre-war recruit.
Accidental death (Card Times – 16/7/10)
2nd Battery, fr Water Street, Neath
Willicombe, WBdrFormation Recruit.
1908 Summer Camp Orders (CDL – 20/7/08) – Morriston
Wilson, A RBdrFormation
Air-Gun Shooting, St Georges v 1st Welsh (Howitzer) Brigade
(Herald of Wales – 14/11/08)
Air Rifle Match
(South Wales Weekly Argus – 20/8/1910)
Woozley, Thomas LaytonGnrMun Sec Sch ROH (1915)
2835, 3/1st Glam Yeo, Enl 3/2/1915, Absent 4/7/16
Yeo, A J SgtFormation
Sgt Yeo of the 1sr GVA, is going through a course of miltary cookery at Newport Barracks

(South Wales Evening Post, 30/8/1901)
ARTILLERYMEN’S DANCE, 1st Glam RGA non-Com’s at the Shaftesbury Hall… Sergt AJ Yeo
(CDL 26/1/1905)
The food at Portskewett Camp was good but plain – very plain, and with his Aldershot five range (a rarity in camps) Sergt Yeo, the master cook, made the best of his materials
(South Wales Daily Post, 15/8/1910)
Likely Albert James Bevan Yeo, bn 24/6/1868